LA – Preparing for Brand Development

1. Refer to the Brand Brief Schematic on p.121 and write, in detail, the following about your client from Assignment 1


Modern, Trustworthy, Professional, Transparent, Competent.

Vision and mission

To be the most transparent and true to their word web developers online.
Key products or services – list these in 
Website building, creation of websites in different sizes and with different features made with different code languages what ever the customer prefers within our skill set.

Hosting, either host for clients with monthly payments, or help clients setup hosting.

SEO all sites built by us is optimized as much as possible, but also if clients have a site that needs a optimization we will help with that.

Marketing, help clients with online marketing, setting up strategies, ad campaigns, social media and google. Can be included with the building of a site or bought extra for existing companies.

Key competitors – list three

Competitive advantage
The will to have a slightly lower profit than established companies without compromising quality.
Transparent business model and communication with clients.

Key stakeholders

Value proposition
I do not understand what this is

Target market
Smaller businesses, newer start-ups, older companies refreshing their brand and getting an online presence.

2.Gather your findings and analyse the one or two interviews you’ve done. Then type up your findings and create your own brief. Your brief should include any insight you may have gained from these interviews. The purpose of the brief is to create a brand. This step of the assignment is the creation of a brief only – you do not have to develop the brand yet.


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