LA – Coming Up With a Strategy

  • Set up a meeting with a business owner and ask him/her what he/she would want from a website. Also, ask him/her what the business strategy is and how the website would fit into it.

    -His business strategy right now is and has always been to deliver superb services and to meet the client’s expectations, which has always generated more work by people spreading their experiences to people they know. But now he wants to connect to people outside the community that do not know how good his services are.

    – Let people know what services/products he supplies.
    – Reach more people outside his own community.
    – Appeal to younger and more modern crowd that is a big part of the ski resort close where he operates.
    – Clean and easy website. Not ugly or outdated for the more tech-savvy but not complicated for the older/not so tech-savvy crowd.


  • Then write a detailed document about this.

Annotation 2020-06-07 222250

  • I would like you to use the information from this document and create a website architecture.



  • Now let’s focus on the web design strategy. Your document should justify all the major decisions you make – from the domain registration, hosting, design, and target audience through to what you decide in terms of programming.

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