LA – Focusing on Pioneering Designers

  • Objective observationWhat is your opinion on the use of the computer combined with different media? Write one page (350 words) on your opinion of the importance of media and design and what your take is on the use of computer technology.

    I believe it’s just another medium. It all depends on what the end product or artwork is supposed to be. It is in my mind another tool, like the brush pen or coal, or macaroni. It’s a way to express creativity.

    Some work has to be done through a computer, you need to create a vector artwork for something. But the approach to finalize on the computer is different for all of us, some might think better and be more creative through the computer, I lean a little more to the same opinion as Marian. I feel a bit restricted on a computer, I can’t think the same way creating straight on the computer. Usually I need a something else more unrestricted where it’s just my hands and my imagination to deal with to get a design started.

    The computer then comes in and can do so many calculations, effects, and filters that I would never have thought of so with my original idea and some work on the computer, combined usually yields me the best results.

    The computer revelutionized the design work, it opened so many doors and made designing so much easier and accessiable. Today I can create artworks for huge billboards right on my laptop, which is very cool.

    Bottomline i believe the computer are the greatest thing that ever happened, it opened so many doors, and made inpossible things possible. But with that said we shouldn’t forget what was and how it use to be done. I think everyone working in a creative field should learn about the history and learn about the pioneers and things that led up to where we are now, I also think all creatives should explore different mediums and just create with different things, to expand their own knowledge and perfect their own style. It’s never a good idea to pick a lane and never even look at the other alternatives.

  • Pushing technology and changing philosophy 
    How do you think this links to the philosophy of the Swiss International School? How is it different? Has technology given us an advantage in expressing the symbiotic relationship between image and text? What about Marian’s work? Is this reflected in her work? Do a write-up (350 words) on the relationship between image and text, as seen in Marian’s work and relate this back to the Swiss International School. Substantiate your answers with relevant facts. You may use a visual example of both Marian’s work and that of the Swiss International School to facilitate your analysis.Asses it by sense of wonder, curiosity, sense of joy, ultimate goal to get people to notice it and to do a double take and spend time with the piece. Valid capturing attention, interest, getting messages across.

    Marian had been working as a graphic designer for 20 years when she decided to quit her job and chase a carrier doing what she loved. To create more personal work, she didn’t feel that the standard way of looking at graphic design fullfilled her any more.

    She says when describing her own work that she takes a long time and double back all the time assesing it by the sense of wonder, curiosity, sense of joy it brings. The ultimate goal with her work is to get people to notice it and spend time with the piece, she believes it to be a very valid way of capturing attention, interest and getting messages across.

    This approach is very different from the philosophy of the Swiss International School. Which as we know by now is all about taking the personality out of the design, to focus on clarity, objectivity and readability.

    I do not think that the computer has given us a an advantage in expressing the symbiotic relationship between image and text. I might have made it more accessible for people to combine and experiment, thus given us some advantage. But mostly I think it depends on the designer and how good they are, how much time they spend etc.

    In Marians work you can really see the time and effort put into the pieces to achieve the goals she set for the pieces, mention above. It’s really personal and the way you see emotion and how the different aspects of the pieces work together it’s beautiful to look at. She really do have a way to grab attention and make you spend time investigate the designs.

Here is just a few examples of Marians work, with intrecate design, text that are vowen into the design it self. It’s stunning but it’s not Swiss Design, there are now strict grids, clear typography. It rely on the fact that we as people are curious beings, that it will grab our attention and make us do the work of analyzing and try to understand the work. Where the Swiss design says that we should not have to do that.

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