LA – A personal survey

Step 1

What business are you in?
Web development

What is your mission? What are your three most important goals?
To establish myself as a serious web developer. Deliver a quality product. Be profitable. Be self employed.

Why was this company created?
To earn a living.

Describe your products or services.
Websites, Hosting, SEO, CMS, Marketing

Who is your target market?
Companies or persons with the need for a new website or a refresh of an older website.

How do you want to be perceived by each audience?
Professional, modern, serious and trustworthy.

What is your competitive advantage? Why do your customers choose your product or service? What do you do better than anyone else?
I am very serious and good at what I do so i will be able to supply a superior service at a lower price. At least to begin with. I’m very skillful with SEO and marketing on social media. Which is something not many offer as a part of the process when developing a website.

Who is your competition? Is there a competitor that you admire most? If so, why?
Other freelance/companies in web development. There are very many. Not anyone I can think of.

How do you market your product and services?
Social media mostly.

What are the trends and changes that affect your industry?
Design trends, social media behavior, and services off social media applications, rules might be changed a new app or site might become popular.

Where will you be in five years? In ten years?
In 5 years i’m settled down somewhere I’d like to be, with the company I hope to perhaps have a small team or at least some safe collaborators.
In 10 years personally I have a family, for my work I now have people on my team and we have scaled the business significantly.

How do you measure success? Happiness, Freedom, Success What values and beliefs unify your employees and drive their performance? What are the potential barriers to the success of your product or service?
It’s a rough market out there, I want to go in at a low price range at start to make a name for my self, potential barrier is that the correlation between work and payday might be hard to balance and stay profitable.

What keeps you up at night?
The future and how it will play out for me in reality. Place yourself in the future.

If your company could do anything or be anything, what would it be?
A melting pot for creatives in my field that would help them get of the ground and create amazing products for happy clients.

If you could communicate a single message about your company, what would it be? Transparency. No hidden fees. No exploiting the clients lack of knowledge etc.


Step 2

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Step 3
Publish the answers/data from your survey as well as a rationale (a document in which you explain and interpret your ideas) for your logos, based on this research. Also hand in the three options of the logos as PDFs and tell me which one is your favourite, as well as which one your client preferred.Explenation

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