LA – Fun With Slow Shutter Speeds

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I didn’t find a good statue or something to focus on but i believe this will still achieve the same goal. As you can see it depends on how much the people are present during the exposure. If I would expose for 30 seconds and someone runs past for 1 second, they would probably not even register on the finished exposure and the subject would be in focus. But in this photo you can see the people that look the most solid they stood still the most during my 30 second exposure, and depending how much they moved or stayed in the picture they look more or less see through.


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I have my family over for the holidays so I took the chance while going to the city to try and get some traffic on camera, I could not find a second story or bridge etc so had to go with a street level photograph. But as you can see same principle as the last photo, the cars and bike moving through the exposure are not exposed long enough to register, but since photography is all based on light the camera still register the very bright head and tail lights and you can see those in the exposure but not as a still object they move through the frame during the whole exposure and show up as strokes of light, while the cars standing more still actually look like cars they might not be giving out the same bright light everywhere but they are in the same spot long letting the darker areas of the cars be exposed and show up as well. As we have learned photography is just “drawing with light”.

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Paint with light, literally. So we did to start just a smiley, and then added some more colors. I later experimented a bit by myself by shining the light on my face and exposing myself at different places, reacting to myself and trying to tie it together with a infinity symbol drawn with the light.
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